Deborah Bonales

During her freshman year, Deborah Bonales made the daunting decision to be part of FUHS’ full IB diploma program, while playing on Fullerton’s soccer team, and has yet to regret it.

Bonales has been playing soccer since she was four and loves the quickness and aggressiveness of the sport. She describes it as a calm place for her to escape to when school is difficult and as a ‘home away from home.’

Bonales has won many awards for soccer including First Team All League for three years, Second Team All League her senior year, and scholar athlete in her abundance of sports. She has received awards for academic achievement including being on the principal’s list and student of the year for Theory of Knowledge.

Besides soccer, Bonales participated in cross country and track and field for three years.

Bonales’ inspiration is her mom because she works hard and supports her and her brother.

“My mom is a big inspiration for me because she’s worked so hard for almost everything in her life, and always focuses on me and my brother first when it comes to supporting us,” said Bonales.

Bonales plans to play soccer, while majoring in anthropology and minoring in biology, at Knox College. After college, she hopes to find a job that will make her happy and travel.

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