Photo Cred: Josh Hanson
Joey Garcia
Throughout high school, senior Joey Garcia’s involvement in various programs including Future Farmers of America (FFA), Model UN, Fashion Club, and his role as Vice President of the E-Sports Club have shaped him into the person that he is today.
Since his freshman year, FFA played a big part in his high school experience. Though it taught him about the sciences behind agriculture, what Joey really learned from the program were life skills that will be beneficial after he graduates.
“[FFA] was a huge part of high school for me. It introduced me to a lot of new people, and it taught me how to be more responsible and get things done” said Garcia.
Garcia has raised two lambs whose names were Optimus Prime and George Washington, and a goat named Dr. Chainsaw.
Joey hopes to attend Fullerton Community College to pursue a major in Art. He has fostered his passion for art throughout his time at FUHS, through his designs and illustrations of comic book heroes, or even funny faces.
“I love drawing and creating new designs,” Garcia said.
Garcia uses social media to promote all of his designs, whether it be a simple sketch on a piece of paper or a digital design.
Through his design skills, he, along with some friends, created a clothing line called Civik.
“It was pretty fun making clothes because I got to see my art on so many shirts,” Garcia said. “I see a bunch of people still wear the shirts and it makes me feel accomplished because I was apart of something cool.”
Once Garcia is out of college, he would like to be an art teacher to help those who enjoy creating just like him.
Though Joey has had many amazing accomplishments in high school, he is excited to pursue his interests as he moves into this next chapter of his life.