Photo Cred: Megan Kim
Megan Kim
Throughout her four years at FUHS, Megan Kim has never taken a day off. She’s a full IB candidate who is the NHS secretary, Copy and Opinion Editor for the Tribe Tribune, CHOC Club secretary, and Girls Varsity Golf captain. This intense involvement in school activities has shaped Megan into the hard working and determined person that she is today.
“Having the pressure of [full IB] and juggling that with my social life and sleep has been one of the harder things I’ve had to do, but it has taught me balance,” Megan said. “Surrounding myself with hardworking people has given me motivation and peers to reflect with, and having friends that understand my workload and that push me forward has been super helpful.”
For Megan, high school has been a time where she has grown, matured, and learned about life. The history courses she’s taken at FUHS have heavily shaped her perspective on the world around her, and fueled her already burning passion for law.
“Before high school, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer, and taking history here has shown me the negative impacts of our [country’s] past has made me want to take this negativity of our past, learn from it, and move forward,” Megan said.
Despite the numerous changes Megan has been through in high school, the one thing that has stayed consistent in Megan’s life is her love for books. One specific series which Megan has continued to be infatuated with is Harry Potter.
“When my grandparents would come to town, they would always take me and my brother to Barnes & Noble because they really wanted us to read,” Megan said. “I’ve always been a fan of Harry Potter. I read [the series] in third grade, and got into it again in high school when my friend Kimberly reintroduced it to me.”
Staying true to herself has been an essential attribute that Megan has lived by, and she advises all underclassmen to do the same.
“Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there…being confident in yourself and not changing yourself because you’re with a certain group of people is the most important thing,” Megan said, “You need to be who you are because eventually your true self will come out.”
In the fall, Megan will begin her next chapter of life at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo majoring in History and minoring in Political Science. Megan’s unique and optimistic spirit will carry her through adversity as she navigates through college and beyond.