VOTE: Don’t stay at home!

“Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who don’t vote” —George Jean Nathan

As Election year rolls around, voters begin listing reasons for not showing up to the polls. One excuse always stands out and drives me insane: ”my vote doesn’t matter.”

Sure, statistics might dictate that a single vote will not be the determining factor in an election, but simply hiding behind the excuse that your vote holds no relevance is essentially ignoring democratic tradition in the U.S. I don’t know about you, but I certainly want to have a voice.

People living in countries like China and Saudi Arabia have very little say in the government and hardly enjoy the freedoms that we cherish. In fact, this very article wouldn’t be published in such countries! It is of utmost importance that we exercise these fundamental rights.

And get this: you don’t need to vote red or blue. While Democrats and Republicans unfairly receive the most media attention, there are many other third-party choices like the Green Libertarian parties. Don’t ignore them like the media has.

The presidential election may be in the spotlight right now, but don’t forget about state and local elections, like city council and state senate. And we have all the propositions to vote on as well. For example, Prop. 64 proposes the legalization of marijuana in the state of California. Pick a side. Don’t silence yourself.

To vote in the general election on Nov. 8, registration must be completed before next Monday, Oct. 24. Register online at You must be 18 years of age. The only information needed is your California issued state ID or driver’s license number, social security number, and birth-date.

Refusing to vote is a seriously misguided choice that helps no one. What’s the point of living in a democracy if you don’t exercise your right to vote? And who knows, the polls might drastically swing if everyone who wanted to “sit this one out” had just checked some boxes.