Frausto balances sports, academics, friendships
May 24, 2023

FUHS cross country coach J.D. Krawczyk has been coaching senior Daniel Frausto since freshman year. Krawczyk said that Daniel is the definition of “actions speak louder than words”.
“He’s just the nicest kid. He’ll give you the shirt off his back. He’s going to be very successful,” Krawczyk said. “Whatever he chooses to do, he’s going to make a plan, he is going to stick to that plan and he is going to keep working towards it.”
Krawczyk also said that he admires Daniel’s calm. Krawczyk said that Frausto is quiet because he is wise and knows when to say things and when to not.
“It’s purely leading by example. A lot of people think that somebody needs to be vocal to be a leader, and Daniel shows up and he does what he’s supposed to do. Even if it’s something different, don’t second guess. He doesn’t ask questions. He just does it,” Krawczyk said. “When teammates see you doing things that the coach asks you, it allows there to be a stronger coach-athlete relationship. The newcomers see it too. They see a bigger kid that knows how to follow directions, and they ended up doing it themselves. Daniel is a perfect example of a quiet leader.”
Senior Troy Fernandez has been running with Daniel since freshman year. Fernandez said that he admires Frausto’s kindness and humility despite his success.
“He always treats people with respect and kindness. I have spent an unfathomable amount of time studying and training with this man. He is a pillar of determination and success,” Fernandez said. “He is always there when he is needed. He always performs at the level he is expected to or he exceeds it at remarkable levels.”
Daniel runs cross country in the fall, switches over to soccer in the winter, and then switches back to track in the spring. Krawczyk said Frausto exemplifies his determination and dedication in all aspects of his life.
Frausto doesn’t pick and choose, but instead, pushes himself passed his limits with all of his commitments.
“The furthest we ran with [Daniel] in XC was 12-13 miles. But I checked Strava to see that he ran 17 miles. I was like ‘oh boy, I hope the soccer coaches don’t think I told him to do that’, but that kind of self-determination is inspiring to me and his teammates to just get out there and go,” Krawczyk said. “I think it was probably a spontaneous 17 miler. Nevertheless, it made me smile to see him embrace the physical challenges.”
Senior Troy Fernandez has been running with Daniel since freshman year. Fernandez said that he admires Frausto’s kindness and humility despite his success.
“He always treats people with respect and kindness. I have spent an unfathomable amount of time studying and training with this man. He is a pillar of determination and success,” Fernandez said. “He is always there when he is needed. He always performs at the level he is expected to or he exceeds it at remarkable levels.”
Senior Nathan Limón said that Daniel is an expert in balancing three IB Classes, two AP classes, and three sports.
“He’s very disciplined, especially when doing his schoolwork. It is insane because he stays up almost all night, every day, and wakes up and still comes to school,” Limón said. “He looks fully energized, and he is still able to do all his workouts with no complaints.”