The March for Human Rights Does Not Stop Here
Just one day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, two million women around the world gathered in solidarity to march for the preservation of human and civil rights—and let me say, it was incredible. Despite contrary beliefs, the Women’s March was not only meant for women, but all genders, all walks of life, all skin colors, and all humans. The ultimate mission of the organization is to peacefully and conspicuously show resistance to hate.
The turnout out was unlike any one person could have predicted. The estimated attendance for Los Angeles alone was 80,000. 750,000 people showed up instead. January 21, 2017 marks the day of the the largest protest in U.S. history with an estimated 2.9 million humans marching on all seven continents. There were marches in virtually every major city in the continental U.S. in addition to marches in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and even Africa.
The streets of Los Angeles were crawling with women, men, and children holding signs that screamed hope and love. People were marching for all different reasons, but unified under one unchanging slogan: “Love Trumps Hate.”

Mrs. Christine Irwin, Fullerton Union High School’s very own AP environmental science teacher attended the march. Irwin not only marched for women’s rights and the LGBTQ community but more importantly she marched because she is worried about the threat that the Trump administration poses to climate change and environmental issues.
“For me, personally, as an AP environmental science teacher, it was wanting to show my support for climate change. Our environment is very important to me,” said Irwin.
Not only teachers marched, but students as well. Freshman Sophie Zener marched with her sisters and mother in support of a peaceful resistance.
“It was amazing to be surrounded by people with the same beliefs as me. To be marching with 750,000 people all supporting women was an experience I’ll never forget.” Said Zener.
Junior Angela Lankenau attended the march as well with her friends and was incredibly inspired by the amount of people willing to support equality.
“I was able to see the impact people can make through standing up for what they believe in. To be a part of a historic movement based solely on love and equality is something I’ll never forget.” Said Lankenau.

The march was non-violent and extremely peaceful. Across all seven continents not one of the two million marchers were arrested. All the way from pershing square to city hall men and women were alternating chanting in loud and clear voices, respectively: “Her body, her choice! My body my choice!” As I stood in the middle of a crowd of likeminded humans, I was overwhelmed with pride and joy. In fact, one of the most beautiful parts of the entire march was watching little boys marching, shouting, and standing with their mothers and sisters in support.
Yet, despite all of this, I couldn’t help but think that after this day, what was I going to do to keep fighting? This movement cannot stop. The marching will stop, but our efforts to resist will never. So, to all the nasty women out there, don’t silence yourself. Find new ways to get involved locally and make your voice heard–it’s the only way to make a change.