Long live long lunch

Photo Cred: Will Hollon

When the Class of 2019 graduates this year, they will not only be graduating but taking the last memories of long lunch with them.

For those unaware long lunch, it was an hour long lunch every Friday in place of Tribe Time, a study hall period.

Three years ago, my freshman year, was the last year that there was long lunch. The following year, the school decided not to bring it back. Tribe Time and long lunch came in a package, so when the teachers voted to get rid of Tribe Time, they took long lunch with it.

As senior Chase de Gala puts it: long lunch was freedom.

“I was able to get away from school and just be able to relax,” de Gala said. “It was only one day a week but I looked forward to those long lunches,” de Gala said.

De Gala isn’t the only student who misses the luxury of long lunch.

Senior Boaz Yousling lives near school and was able to walk home during long lunch and have time to relax.

“I liked that I could go home, relax, and actually make a lunch because my house is close, so I could just walk home and make it to my house with time to spare,” Yousling said. “I just think it was nice having a slower, longer lunch and just being able to do more stuff and fit more things in, compared to now where it’s all crammed into 30 minutes.”

Now, I’m not pleading to bring long lunch back, because the time to do so has passed, even though having an hour lunch with an open campus and an abundance of restaurants within walking distance seems really amazing.

And no, this is not about me pointing out the fact that even though we got rid of long lunch, schools in our district like La Habra still have theirs, and it could be possible to bring it back.

This is written for the purpose of remembrance. Because when the Class of 2019 graduates in May, so will long lunch.