The importance of ASB
Our campus is always decorated with posters full of color and reliable information. However, most students don’t realize that ASB is a lot more than just posters.
Junior Presli Dillon has been in ASB since her freshman year, and is ASB Vice President this year.

“I wish people knew exactly how much work goes into ASB,” Dillon said. “A lot of people think that all we do is make posters, but that’s definitely not all we do. If it wasn’t for ASB, we wouldn’t have homecoming, highlight, and we wouldn’t have majority of that stuff that’s happening [on campus], and people wouldn’t know what’s going on.”
To President senior Jacqueline Taylor, positive feedback from students and staff encourage her to do her best.
“When we do something, and we get good feedback from the students it’s super motivating because we want to do better and keep doing things that the students like,” Taylor said.
ASB allows freshman Olivia Roberts to have an easy transition into high school.

“I think ASB made it a little bit easier because I also came here during the summer for ASB events, so I learned more about the school,” Roberts said. “[ASB] also urged me to go to more things and get involved.”
Many students in ASB not only commit countless hours to ASB itself, but to other extracurricular activities, and their school work.
“If I know that I have [an assignment] due a couple days in advance, I try to do it before, if I know that I have ASB,” Dillon said. “Sometimes, I have to stay up kind of late [doing homework] because of ASB and sports.”
For sophomore Angie Sfakianakis, ASB allows her to express herself.
“I really like making posters because it helps my creative side grow,” Sfakianakis said. “But also, [I enjoy] being in meetings, talking about what’s going on around the school, and putting my opinion in.”
Overall, more recognition and thanks should be given to ASB and all that they do for FUHS and our community. For more ways to be notified on upcoming school events, make sure to follow @fullertonasb on Twitter and Instagram!