Club promotes school-wide unity based on Christian values

Junior Katherine Calderon’s freedom in Jesus Christ and her ability to find peace in Him rids her of other worries—
that’s why you’ll always find her with a big, bright smile.
As an ambassador for Christianity, Calderon exudes positivity and spreads love to everyone she meets. She does this because she knows it is what Christ would do.
“There’s no room in religion to push away or discriminate,” Calderon said. “God’s love is for everyone.”
Calderon’s goal to spread Christ’s love inspired her to create Student Missions, a club where students can listen to the inspiring stories of guest speakers from local churches and meet other students. Calderon wants Student Missions to be a place where all students, regardless of religious affiliation can find a community of love and support.
“We’ve had kids [in our club] who are dealing with suicide, parents getting a divorce, and contemplating drugs,” Calderon said. “Then we have kids that just need guidance to figure out what college they’re going to. Not everyone has a mom, a dad, or guardians that can be there to say ‘we support you, we love you, we want to help you out.’”

Sophomore Cienna Phalen says that the club helps her feel like part of the FUHS community.
“We play games, we hang out over in Mr. Hebert’s class, and we get together to have fun,” Phalen said. “It’s awesome! It’s helped me a lot. I’m really shy, so it helps me open up to other kids.”
The Student Missions club meets every Tuesday at lunch. They’ve moved the meeting location from Room 35 to the front lawn near the office. All students are welcome, whether they come only once or are there at every meeting.
For club members like freshman Austin Hulsizer, Calderon’s unique and bubbly personality is one reason they keep coming back.

“She’s energetic,” Hulsizer said about Calderon. “When she interacts with everybody, it gets people’s attention.”
Calderon speaks to club members as if they were her closest friends and even refers to them as her “homies.” Her familiarity with the students creates a sense of unity that she believes comes from God.
“God’s heart is to build unity and build an atmosphere of love,” Calderon said. “The greatest commandment is to love everyone.”