Hits and Misses of February 2020
Thank you to ASB for taking the time last week to write every student’s name on a pink heart for Valentine’s Day! Students enjoyed searching the wall for their heart. Some have decorated their chromebooks with the beautifully bright pink pieces of paper.
ASB released the Sadie’s theme “Upside Down Sadie’s” through a four-part video announcement teaser. They linked the videos together using board game cards and the final video announcement was inspired by the “Stranger Things” title sequence. Students enjoyed guessing the theme and now anticipate the dance on March 6!
To celebrate Valentine’s Day week, ASB promoted a “Where Is the Love” spirit week. Although the idea was cute and festive, very few students participated in the spirit week with the exceptions of Twin Day and Valentine’s Day.

In last week’s video announcements, ASB released its first Mr. Fullerton promotional video. This year’s “Gold Edition” theme fits the Class of 2020 well, and the Tribe Tribune staff is excited to see what these senior boys have in store on Feb. 28!
Taking the senior panoramic photo was a breeze. Seniors met in the stadium, swiftly assembled, took the shot, and left quickly. With 10 minutes to spare, seniors were dismissed early and earned a long lunch. Thank you administration and students for your cooperation.

Last week, the soap dispensers were not refilled in any of the restrooms, leaving students feeling dirty and unsanitary. Although the school was in the process of installing new dispensers, going several days without was still gross.
All the frustrations of no soap were wiped away this week when our old soap dispensers were replaced with brand new automatic dispensers. Assistant principal Tina Wilde confirmed this was a district-wide upgrade.

Kudos to American Sign Language teacher Vivian Leos and her Periods 1, 5, and 6 students for incorporating art into their curriculum. The art expresses one of two motifs: (1) Resistance to looking at the dominant hearing culture to define a disenfranchised group’s identity (2) Affirmation to celebrate and validate the deaf culture. The Tribe Tribune especially appreciated the “To Walk” sign painted on shoes. In other words, as you are walking in the shoes you are signing “walk.” Students created a beautiful gallery of ASL-inspired artwork ranging from canvas paintings to clay sculptures. Each piece shows a great amount of effort, and it’s obvious that the students took a lot of pride in their work. Go visit the gallery in Room 228 at lunch on Feb. 25!