Hits & Misses of March 2021
Thank you ASB, especially host Tabitha LeeKeenan, for reaching out to students with a new weekly podcast called “Tribe Talks.” It’s a great way to hear from students and stay connected with each other through these hard times. Listen here: Episode 1: Welcome to Tribe Talks Podcast!, Episode 2: President of Film Club explains why the club is more than just watching movies, Episode 3: Football player commits to Arizona Christian University, Episode 4: Senior shares her story on the impact of moving around, Episode 5: Thinking of colleges you might want to go to? and Episode 6: Four-year varsity cross country runner shares her experience.
Congratulations to chemistry teacher Ashley Hill, who won the POGIL Early Achievement Award for demonstrating an exceptional level of enthusiasm for active learning. POGIL stands for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Mrs. Hill is being honored for her contributions to the project’s planning committee and revisions to the classroom material catalog.

Hooray for juniors Alia Noll and Frances Walton who captured first place in yearbook design and first place in yearbook copy at the Orange County Journalism Education Association media contest on Feb. 20. The yearbook staff also finished with a first place ranking in the American Scholastic Press Association’s contest for its 2019-2020 yearbook. The 2019-2020 Pleiades also earned recognition for its outstanding senior section.
Although we’re happy sports teams will have their seasons, there’s still no sign of any dances or senior activities. We understand school officials are limited by COVID restrictions, but administrators should look into senior activities that can still be done with a mask following social distancing guidelines, especially since the seniors are the smallest class.

Thank you ASB for planning the annual Mr. Fullerton event. Make sure to tune in and support the senior boys on April 1.
Although we’re happy that the school is working on a solar panel project, parking on Lemon Street was a nightmare the first day of construction. Student drivers were not informed about the construction ahead of time. Athletes attending practice after school also were caught off guard.
Kudos to JROTC cadets Sebastian Alcaraz, Carlos Garcia, Nolan Haberland, Hannah Ramos and David Salinas who were one of only 40 teams selected nationwide as finalists for the JROTC Academic and Leadership Bowl. The finals will take place in Washington, D.C. on June 18-22. If you have any of them in your class make sure to give them a socially distanced pat on the back.
Even Mrs. DeFries’s Animal Brain Break video couldn’t defeat our collective exhaustion this week. Five hours of daily Zoom along with a time change wiped us out. Zoom fatigue is real. Thank goodness spring break is almost here.

Big cheer goes to the cheer and song squads for hanging thank you hearts for teachers near the office and delivering cookies to teachers’ boxes on March 8. Both were a nice treat.