Thanks, ASB, for a successful homecoming

The Fullerton ASB members should be commended for hosting a successful Night at the Disco homecoming dance. Students worked vigorously during spirit week, arriving during Zero Period to decorate the school and prepare the week’s activities.
Spirit Week was well coordinated with enjoyable themes that inspired students to participate. For example, on Wednesday’s Bring Anything but a Backpack Day, we saw students tote things ranging from wagons to baby strollers, and even a microwave. The great engagement from the student body added to the anticipation for Friday’s game and Saturday’s dance.
We appreciated the work it took to decorate the gym, especially the 70’s themed lighting and disco ball. The DJ interacted with students, even jumping into the crowd with a microphone. During the dance, a circle formed around the homecoming court, allowing them to slow-dance with their partners.
It was special to have the first dance in our new gym, but we felt as if there might have been too much space. Next time, ASB should consider creating a smaller area for dancing to bring people closer together.

The two of us (Ella Kirby and Kate Luengo) attended both the A Night at the Disco dance last weekend in the Fullerton Gym and the Enchanted Garden homecoming dance at Sunny Hills the previous weekend. Both dances had over 1,000 attendees and pleasant atmospheres.
Our ASB did a good job making sure students had enough food and water; however, Sunny Hills upped their game by offering Porto’s Bakery items at their dance. Though the cookies and brownies at Fullerton were sufficient, Sunny Hills’ variety of pastries added something special to the evening.
The one area that we feel was definitely better at Sunny Hills was their official coat-and-bag check. All bags were checked into a separate room. Each bag had a separate cubby and students were allowed to access them whenever needed. In contrast, the Fullerton students left their belongings in a communal bin and were not allowed to take them into the gym at any time. This inconvenience resulted in a lot of young men being asked to store their date’s items in their pockets.
We think that if the Sunny Hills ASB students can manage a coat check area then the Fullerton ASB students should be able to try to manage one, too. The FUHS school officials should give ASB more power by helping with the security and check-in process.
By successfully hosting 1,000 guests on Saturday, ASB showed they care about making positive high school memories. The Tribe Tribune appreciates you and your hard work.