Fresh take on Red Ribbon week
This week FUHS recognizes Red Ribbon Week, a campaign meant to raise awareness of the dangers of drug use. The ASB commissioners of spirit, juniors Claire Wright and Logan Manjarres, decided to take an interesting spin on the acknowledgement of this week. Instead of the typical spirit week, they started a school-wide fundraiser accompanied by creative posters strewn across campus.
The fundraiser titled “Sock it to Drugs”, asks students to donate new or unused packages of socks to charities that support the homeless. “[The fundraiser] brings the school together as a whole to ‘say no to drugs’,” Wright said.
ASB also decorated the entire school with posters informing students that “drug use is life abuse.” Instead of your typical inspirational message, many feature crime-scene outlines of bodies and a eye-catching descriptions of the negative effects of drug use.

“We decided to outline the bodies and write a story behind it to show how drugs can change one’s life and lead them down the wrong path,” Manjarres said.
Because of the originality in their Red Ribbon Week advertisements, both Wright and Manjarres received recognition at the district board meeting on Oct. 25.
“I think we got recognized for our creativity by not doing the usual Red Ribbon Week activities such as a spirit week,” Manjarres said. “As well as coming up with ways where kids can visualize what drugs and alcohol do to you.”
“I’m glad that what I put into the school planning actually made a difference in the community,” Wright said.