Flag Football will play for CIF Championship

Casino Night Homecoming

Environmental Science Club

(Photo by Josie Lee)
By Will McWatters and Josie Lee
The Environmental Science Club joined Fullerton Coyote’s Club in restoring the Lucy Van Der Hoff trail on Saturday, Nov. 2.
The Coyotes Club, founded by Troy High School sophomore Dylan Ardaya, seeks to promote an active lifestyle. Members attend various high schools throughout the FUHSD School District.
Club president Matia Ornelas, who is also a member of the Coyote’s Club, was compelled to join the effort after seeing how much litter was on the trail which is hidden in the residential Hermosa Drive neighborhood.
“The area was overgrown and littered with trash,” Ornelas said. “We had to tackle landscaping in addition to cleaning trash and hazardous material.”
“The Environmental Science club strives to make the community a cleaner and safer space,” Ornelas said. “By participating in the trail restoration, we are making it more accessible to those wanting to use it for exercise.”
By Sofia Tabbal
In the world of college applications, juniors are also getting a head start. Juniors sat for the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) on Oct. 16. For the first time, it was offered digitally through BlueBook.
In previous years, the test was on paper and preparation was reinforced in English classes where students would receive PSAT practice test booklets. Some English teachers would teach from the PSAT prep books that were given when the tests were ordered.
With the switch from paper to digital tests, schools must order grade-specific tests. Since only junior tests were ordered this year, the PSAT was only open to juniors and not sophomores.
However, the new digital test has some benefits. Studying resources are now all easily accessible on the College Board website.
Along with being good practice for the SAT, the PSAT is also a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship.
Senior Bonnie Lynch took the PSAT last year. Her high score qualified her to be a National Merit Semifinalist. She is invited to apply to be a finalist for the scholarship. The qualifying score is a 1450 or higher out of the 1520 possible points.