Fullerton students will no longer be known as the Indians starting the 2026-27 school year unless the Fullerton Joint Union High School District can secure an exemption from a federally recognized tribe to keep the Indian name.
Having adopted the mascot in 1925, FUHS students have been the Fullerton Indians for 100 years. But starting July 1, 2026, the school must yield to the state Racial Mascot Law which prohibits public schools “from using any derogatory Native American term” as a school or team mascot, including “Indian” and “Tribe”.

Principal Jon Caffrey says the school will work with district officials to ensure students, parents, staff, alumni and the Fullerton community have an opportunity to suggest alternative mascot names. The exact adoption process has not been determined, but Caffrey said a student survey would be one element.
Environmental science teacher Danica Perez would like the school to consider adopting the Red-Tailed Hawks as a new mascot. Perez says she came up with the idea last fall when she observed a family of them making a nest in the school’s auditorium tower.
“I was able to identify them as a pair of Red-Tailed Hawks who were building a nest likely to raise their young in the spring,” said Perez, who shared her discovery with FUHS librarian Jean Page. Perez brought binoculars to school so the two of them could observe the hawks from the library balcony.

“Over the next few months, Ms. Page and I continued to observe the pair and it appears they successfully had a baby fledge in May,” she said. “Birds of prey, like hawks, are widely regarded and respected in indigenous culture. I thought it would be a great idea to honor Fullerton’s mascot traditions, while also being respectful to indigenous peoples. The Red-Tailed Hawks was a perfect way to bridge the two. It’s special that this pair decided to call our campus home and making them our mascot honors them. In addition to living in the bell tower, they can often be seen flying high above the football field and roosting on the lights, so it’s almost as if it’s meant to be.”
Page, who shares Perez’s enthusiasm for wildlife, likes the idea, too. However, she said she would be happy if the school was granted an exemption.
“I think we’ve shown a lot of reverence and respect for the Indians. I would like to keep the Indians if possible,” said Page, who displays Native American items in the library. “After working in the FUHS library for over 10 years, there have been parents and alumni from indigenous backgrounds that have donated items such as Indian ceremonial blankets to the library. I have never had anyone complain about our Indian mascot, rather visitors are proud of the TRIBE.”

Although the deadline to drop the Indian name is 18 months away, former Fullerton mayor and 1968 FUHS alum Chris Norby has been advocating for “The Fenders” by speaking to The Daily Pilot and the Tribe Tribune about the new law. The mascot would honor FUHS alum Leo Fender, inventor of the Fender Stratocaster, one of the first electric guitars. It’s also alliterative, making Fullerton stand out. Norby invited local caricaturist Jared Boone to draw variations of a person playing a Fender to help him add a visual component to his recommended mascot.
“Our team mascot should be related to our community. Those are the mascots that are the most interesting,” Norby said. “When I was mayor of Fullerton I connected to many people by knowing their mascot. ‘Where’d you go to school? Oh, you went to Utah State? How about those Aggies?’ They’d always be surprised I knew their team and the history behind their mascot. With a unique mascot, students and alumni can take pride in its history.”
According to Principal Caffrey, Fullerton students can expect to get more information about adopting a new mascot sometime next month.