President of South Korea Impeached

Citizens of South Korea protest on the streets of Seoul. Photo from

On March 10, South Korean President Park Geun Hye was impeached after judges voted to follow through with Parliament’s decision, making her the first president to be impeached in South Korea. Elected on Feb. 25, 2013, Hye became the 11th president and first female president of South Korea. She had been in office for three out of the five years in her term and had gradually gained a negative reputation.

In Oct. of 2016, a scandal with Hye caught the attention of the world, especially the South Korean citizens. Hye’s close relationship with a woman named Choi Soon Sil was revealed. Sil and Hye were close family friends; however, it was later revealed that Shil heavily influenced nearly all of Hye’s decisions.

Hye shared disclosed information, such as a leaked government document, with Sil. Sil even determined the speeches that Hye would give along with her wardrobe. Choi Soon Sil also influenced everything from international affairs to college admission processes.

The so-called “Choi-gate” caused the Korean citizens to feel as though someone other than Hye was ruling their country. Sil also interacted with large corporations such as Samsung and LG, earning million of dollars in “business” transactions.

Those in South Korea were not afraid to openly express their opinions. Protests filled Gwanghwamun square, reaching numbers up to 1 million, the highest number of protesters compared to previous street protests. Everyone from children, students, parents, workers and even the elderly participated in candle-lit marches. Also, many colleges cancelled lectures due to week-long protests. Many people believe that Hye should face the consequences for her actions.

Within 60 days of Hye’s impeachment, a new presidential election must occur. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Korea will temporarily take Hye’s place in office.