New Additions to the FUHS Social Studies Department
Angelica Garcia
Thirteen years ago, Angelica Garcia graduated from FUHS as a student of the 2005 senior class. After working as a student teacher at Sunny Hills, Ms. Garcia has returned to the Fullerton campus as a world and US history teacher.
“I’m grateful to be back here because this where it all started for me and where I had really great teachers. I’m glad to be back,” Garcia said.

Garcia’s goals for this year are to inspire her students in various manners.
“I would like to instill in my students is that it’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s okay to have questions, it’s okay to have an off day because it’s not about the bad things that happen it’s how you handle them,” Garcia said.
She hopes to encourage her students to do their best.
“My goals for this year are for everyone to get A’s in my class and to learn. For everyone to to enjoy this class and to feel like they’ve accomplished everything,” Ms. Garcia said.
This year is exciting for Garcia, and she is excited to teach at a campus that she holds tremendous appreciation for.
“You have students that are involved in all types of stuff, who speak all different languages, who come from all different backgrounds, and who study all different things from all different interests, so my day is never boring,” Garcia said.
Garcia believes education is the most important thing students have available to them.
“Bottomline it’s the one thing they can’t take away from you. Somebody can come in and tell you they’re going to take certain things from you, but they can’t take what you’re developing in your own life.”
Katy Wren
No stranger to FUHS, Ms. Katy Wren returned to her old high school campus to continue teaching.
“I love being back,” Wren said. “There’s such a rich community and culture at [Fullerton] and I think it’s a really good testament to this school that they have graduates that want to come back and teach.”
Wren teaches seniors in her American Government, Economics and AP Government classes, in hopes of motivating them to become engaged citizens in the world around them.
“I want the kids to like the subject, to want to go out and vote, become more involved in their community, both locally and on a bigger scale,” Wren said.

Although Wren began studying criminal justice at Cal State Long Beach, she eventually switched majors to get her teaching credentials.
“I knew I wanted a job where I could work with and help people,” Wren said. “I thought about the people that impacted me the most, and they were teachers, so I wanted to be that role for someone else down the road.”
Wren has set goals for all of her students this year.
“To make [my students] want to be involved is my biggest goal,” Wren said. “And just for them to be successful in the next faze of their life.”
Samantha Meggison
A new addition to FUHS’ history department is Ms. Samantha Meggison, who teaches U.S. and World History in Rm. 150. She is excited for her first year at FUHS and is ready to get to know the school, the students and other teachers.
Meggison is passionate about her job. She chose to become a teacher because she wants to inspire students.
“When I was in high school I didn’t really connect with many of my teachers,” Meggison said. “I didn’t feel like a lot of them cared about me as a person or necessarily had my best interest in mind. I wanted to be able to inspire young people. Plus, I think everyone deserves to have someone on their side.”

History can be a challenging subject to teach because many students are unaware of the importance and relevance of history in the world today.
“I think it’s important to relate the content to the students,” Meggison said. “I think that sometimes students struggle to understand why some things in history matter and how history impacts them.”