NHS gives back with Operation Gratitude

Photo courtesy of Mike Muhovich.

Last Friday on Oct. 26, the FUHS National Honors Society members took part in Operation Gratitude.

Operation Gratitude is an opportunity for students to help assist our soldiers overseas and remind them of the family they have at home during the holiday season.

In an effort to give back to those who fight for our safety and freedom, NHS members took the time to put together care packages for our members in the service.

Senior Grace Perez is the Vice President of the NHS club.

“I think that it’s a really amazing cause and being able to do something even this small, knowing it will make a difference really makes me feel good about myself,” Perez said.

Senior NHS member Jennifer Perez adds,

“I really look forward to these types of things because I feel really good about myself and making care packages for our servicemen really put a smile on my face.”

NHS allows members to feel good about themselves while also reminding those of the true meaning of giving back.