May Briefly
Senior checkout

Senior checkout is May 26 and 27 on campus. Students will remain in their cars and start in the Lemon Lot, drive through campus and stop at various stations in the quad, then exit onto Pomona Avenue. Each student is assigned a time and date to come based on last name:
Tuesday, May 26
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. = last names “A – D”
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. = last names “E – L”
Wednesday, May 27
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. = last names “M – R”
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. = last names “S – Z”
Instacart provides employment opportunities for students

Opportunities for summer jobs are still available even with the Corona pandemic.
Delivery businesses such as Instacart are a great way to earn money as well help the community in this time of need.
The training consists of a short quiz where applicants are asked basic questions about customer requests and compatibility with the job. A background check is also run.
Senior Lauren Wright recently obtained a job as an Instacart employee.
“It’s been so great! Instacart lets you choose your own hours and because of quarantine, there’s been lots of opportunities,” said Wright.
The requirements in order to work for Instacart are being at least 18 years old, constant access to a vehicle, consistent access to an effective smartphone, and the ability to lift 50 pounds.

Campus construction updates
On May 11, Principal Laura Rubio provided the FUHS community with an update on the new gym construction via Instagram. Construction is currently six weeks ahead of schedule, with walls going up the week of June 29. Administrators have started to “select colors for the bleachers, sound boards, and wall padding,” according to assistant principal Tina Wilde.
ASB election results
On April 27, the results of the 2020-2021 ASB elections were announced via Instagram. Instead of making posters, each candidate was given an Instagram post to promote themselves to the student body. Here are the results:
Senior Class Representatives:
Class President- Rebecca Taylor
Vice President- Megan Quinn
Secretary- Sabrina Hisey
Junior Class Representatives:
Class President- Oneli Christofesz
Vice President- Zoe Lagunay
Secretary- Heidi Lopez
Sophomore Class Representatives:
Class President- Madelyn McLeran
Vice President- Elyse Weske
Secretary- Declan Campbell
Students rid of boredom by shaving their heads

Due to quarantine and boredom, many people have started a trend of cutting their own hair. The sense of control that people get when cutting their hair, brings back the feeling of ownership of the choices one gets to make. The styles vary from shaved heads, to brightly colored hair, to disaster bangs. A lot of people stopped caring and used the excuse that they are in quarantine and no one is going to see them.