FUHS students style fall fashion trends

Students often take the opportunity to express themselves daily with their unique outfits. Here are some fall trends students incorporate into their daily wardrobe.

Statement belts

Junior Eli Aguayo styles a statement belt with high waisted jeans. Photo by Jacquelin Arreola.

Statement belts are a hot item right now. From Kendall Jenner to Selena Gomez, celebrities are using them as accent pieces for their outfits.

Junior Eli Aguayo pairs a faux leather belt with a simple off-the-shoulder top, boyfriend jeans, and slip-on sneakers.

“Wearing a simple black belt can look nice with many outfits,” Aguayo said. “[My belt] has little designs on the buckle and a small heart that dangles, which makes the belt look more unique.”

Aguayo’s belt was passed down from her mother, making it even more special. Since not every mother can pass down a cute belt, Aguayo recommends finding them at thrift stores because they are cheap.


It is time to surpass the classic black choker trend from the 90s and bring in something more contemporary and modern.

Junior Amber Rodriguez styles a choker with a simple white tee. Photo by Jacquelin Arreola.

Junior Amber Rodriguez wears a gold metal choker with a plain off-the-shoulder white tee, blue skinny jeans, a double-buckle belt and checkered slip-on sneakers.

“I got [my choker] from G Stage, or you can get one from Forever 21,” Rodriguez said. “Chokers have been the latest in trends, from the classic tattoo choker to metal chokers.”

Rodriguez’s choker is a gold chain threaded through thin rectangular bars.

“The metal gives the choker a modern look and looks really good with simple outfits,” Rodriguez says.


Junior Brooklyn Scott styles a checker-printed top. Photo by Jacquelin Arreola.

Checkerboard print is used often in both mainstream and high-end stores, allowing one to easily incorporate the fun print in their daily wardrobe.

Junior Brooklyn Scott uses this print on a t-shirt, along with black dress pants and yellow “old skool” vans, to stand out at school and make unique first impressions.

“I decided to wear this outfit because I wanted to bring out my little trendy outfits,” Scott said. “I like being different so I make crazy outfits and mix them together and see how it looks. It came out cute, so it’s my masterpiece.”


Senior Danielle Cardenas shows how style doesn’t have to comporomise comfort. Photo by Jacquelin Arreola.

At school, most students often opt for both comfort and fashion when choosing their outfits.

However, some prioritize comfort over style at all costs, like senior Danielle Cardenas.

“I always want to make sure I feel comfortable,” Cardenas said. “I’ve worn some really uncomfortable things in my life, but I also love to look nice.”

Styling comfortable pieces isn’t as daunting as it seems either; stores are now releasing more comfortable pieces that are easy to make look good effortlessly.