FUHS dance concert “No Boundaries” promises limitless creativity

Shows are April 19 and 20 at 7 p.m. in Plummer.
Performing shows tonight and tomorrow at 7 p.m., FUHS dancers will be putting on their final show of the semester. Tickets for the show are $10 pre-sale and $12 at the door. Entitled “No Boundaries,” the show is not restricted by any particular theme, genre or style, and will feature dancers from FUHS advanced and production dance classes, and the FUHS dance team: The InDiANCERS.
Sophomore Karina Lopez is thrilled with the opportunities provided through the theme “No Boundaries.”
“It’s a great term to apply to dance, ‘no boundaries;’ it signifies how dancers have the ability to express themselves in any way,” Lopez said. “I feel like dance is the most important way to express yourself, especially because it’s a form of art; it truly allows you to express how you feel.”
Senior Leslie Ortega agrees and feels that the theme perfectly defines dance. “I think that by having the theme be ‘no boundaries,’ the dancers were given the opportunity to work without limitations and express more creativity,” Ortega said. “Having no limitations truly allows dancers to express ourselves in so many different ways.”
Lopez looks forward for the show as a whole, but is particularly excited for seperate performances choreographed by juniors Morgan Forrester and Lexi Ari, respectively.
“I have two favorite dances in this show. They’re very different from each other; Morgan Forrester’s dance ‘To Build a Home’ is more about coming together and finding a reliance amongst those around you,” Lopez said. “Lexi Ari’s dance ‘Cavallier’ is a bit more creepy and mysterious. Their stark contrast, I think, really highlights the exciting variation found in dance.”
Senior Kristi Rho is also looking forward to Forrester’s dance and feels as though it perfectly encapsulates the amount of effort the students put into each dance.
“My favorite dance in the show would probably have to be a dance called ‘To Build A Home’ by Morgan Forrester because she uses props like pillows. I really like this dance because I feel like I relate to it. This song that she also chose has a special meaning to me,” Rho said. “Overall, the dance is beautiful.”
Ortega has bittersweet feelings towards the show, as it will be her last at FUHS. “I’m looking forward to being in Plummer and working with everyone for the last time. This being my last performance feels good, but at the same time feels kind of scary; Overall it has been a great experience,” Ortega said.
Sharing this sentiment, Rho hopes that this show will highlight just how much work and energy goes into creating a show.
“The general vibe for the second semester dance is usually just to dance,” Rho said. “We’ve worked on our dances for four months, so finally we can show what we’ve been working so hard on.”
Lopez hopes that the show will help perpetuate the de-stigmatization of dance.
“I like showing what dance can be capable of. I feel like everybody underestimates dance, they think ‘oh, that’s not a sport,’ but they don’t think about how much work gets put into it,” Lopez said. “And I think that when people go to the show, and give it a chance, they become aware of just how much dance does.”