New thriller attracts a teenage audience

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Have you ever fantasized the demise of those around you? A strict teacher, or that girl who “subtweeted” you on Twitter? For fictional character Mara Dyer in the psychological thriller, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin, these thoughts become reality as she visualizes the deaths of her teachers and classmates, and they actually happen.
The novel begins with Mara returning from a traumatizing event that took the lives of her best friend and her boyfriend. Overcome with grief, she and her family move to Florida to get away from the dead boyfriend she believes to still be alive.
However, this feeling doesn’t go away, and when a man dies in just the way Mara imagined he would she begins to fear not only her surroundings, but herself.
This fast paced novel leaves the reader in a constant state of guessing who Mara’s next victim will be. Whether she is the protagonist or not is unknown, and every page is filled with intrigue and suspicion.
Like most young adult books, Mara Dyer doesn’t lack a romantic element. However, this romance is paranormal and horror filled, as it’s quickly realized that the romantic lead isn’t who they say they are.
Psychologically twisted and paranormal, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer will leave the reader on the edge of their seat as they question Mara’s sanity, and their own.
The novel can be found at the Fullerton Public Library and will be in the FUHS library in a few months.