Track and Field for another successful season

Girls long distance runners line up to race against Sonora. Photo by Karen Martinez.

After a successful season last year, the track and field team is ready to compete again.

In the past few months, the team has been putting in grueling hours of practice to prepare for the upcoming season. Their dedication will soon pay off, as the athletes feel optimistic about what’s to come.

A varsity sprinter since freshman year, senior Sophia Ruesga is prepared to lead the track team to victory one last time.

“My goal for this season is to enjoy my last high school season and go to CIF one last time,” Ruesga said. “Overall, I’m super excited for this season and can’t wait to see how we do.”

Ruesga explained that she has been training since the beginning of the school year. “I do weight room three days a week, plus speed drills and speed training on Saturdays.”

Junior long-distance runner Jasmine Sanchez is enthusiastic about the upcoming season.

“I feel like I’m prepared to get back to competing, since last year I didn’t compete as much because I was injured,” Sanchez said. “So the fact that I’ll be able to run races again makes me excited, but a little nervous as well.”

Sanchez also positively reflects on her teammates performances. “What I’m most looking forward to is the vibes of races, especially the excitement watching your peers compete.”

Sanchez added how she has prepared for track season as a long distance runner. “I have just been making sure that I get the proper mileage I need to go the distance.”

The first track meet will be held at home on Mar. 1 at 3:30 p.m. against Anaheim High School.

Make sure to go out and support our track and field team!