Bang Bang You’re Dead

Photo courtesy of ArtRage.×231-2/
Following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida, students from all over the country have been rising up, demanding change, and calling for action against gun violence.
In honor of those who have been affected by the recent mass shootings, FUHS students and theatre teacher Michael Despars have decided to reboot the play, Bang Bang You’re Dead, in order to start a conversation amongst students, teachers, and parents about gun control.
Bang Bang You’re Dead follows a teenager named Josh, who is pushed to his limit and kills several of his classmates due to bullying at school and the voices in his head.
“The show itself focuses in on the psychology of the shooter, and how there are a lot of issues he had that could have been prevented,” said Laverde. “Nobody knows how to solve this issue, but this show, it does the best it can I think.”
Bang Bang You’re Dead is a very unconventional play, as it is told from the perspective of the shooter.
“The show does not project Josh as the villain, it projects him as a human, just another kid who just had issues. It shows you how he was driven to that point where he thought the only option was to walk into his school and pull the trigger, killing all those kids as a result,” said Laverde. “That is what I like so much about this show, because this is not a black and white issue; it is very grey. There is no victor, everyone suffers, and this show accredits that.”
The reason for this performance is not only to honor those who have died, but all the people who have suffered and whose lives have been affected by gun violence.
“A lot of the time it is easy to dismiss the tragedy of what is happening in the world. Just recently 17 kids were gunned down and murdered, and that is not right, and also there is a kid who was driven to the point where he thought this was the only answer and that has been happening since Columbine in this country,” said Laverde. “For the students and teachers here Bang bang You’re Dead is an important reminder to not allow these things to go unnoticed.”
Bang Bang You’re Dead will be performed in the lower library at 3 p.m. this Friday for a one-time-only performance.