Fullerton Wall of Fame: New Inductees
The FUHS Wall of Fame inducted three new nominees this year on Fri. October 6, and were presented to the fans at the homecoming football game. Here is some information on each of the inductees:
Floyd Robert Ross (Class of 1946)
Floyd Robert Ross is a former professional baseball player. Signed on to the major leagues his junior year of high school, Ross played for the Brooklyn Dodgers, the Washington Senators (later franchised as the Minnesota Twins), and the Philadelphia Phillies.

Ross dropped out of the regular baseball season to attend Long Beach University and earn his teaching credentials around 1958. He was a teacher, coach, principal, and administrator at Anaheim High School. After finishing his teaching career, he worked as an assistant scout for the Houston Astros.
Ross’ experience at Fullerton allowed him to gain valuable life traits.
“Fullerton taught me how to do without a lot of things, and also about honor, integrity, and being a good guy,” said Ross.
For Ross, making the Wall of Fame has been a great achievement.
“I think making [the Wall of Fame] is wonderful,” said Ross. “It’s a little late in my life but late is better than never.”
Julie Ann Johnson (Class of 1958)
Julie Ann Johnson is a former Hollywood stuntwoman. After aspiring to be an actress, she went int

o the stunt business, doubling for Doris Day in the 1967 film Caprice. She focused on fights, falling out of windows, and other incredible stunts. She co-founded the Stuntwoman’s Association in 1967, and the Society of Professional Stunt Woman in 1975.
Johnson fought hard for women’s rights in television in film. She sued the industry for equal employment, pay rights and sexual discrimination. Johnson’s life has been outlined in books about her life in Hollywood.
In all of her success as a stuntwoman, Johnson credits her come up to playing sports at Fullerton.
“One of the reasons I’m here is that the school had afforded me the sports programs,” said Johnson. “The sports programs got me to where I am and become a stunt woman because of my physical education and athletic abilities.”
While at Fullerton, Johnson played whatever sport was in season. However, basketball was always her favorite.
“I liked basketball even though it was frustrating because in those days we were only allowed two steps for the ball then we had to pass it,” said Johnson. “I sort of worked on my half court hook shot because I would practice getting the ball on the bounce and getting the right height to get my hook shot, and I won a lot of games that way.”
Johnson believes sports is important for young people to be apart of.
“It keeps them out of trouble and makes them learn team play, makes them feel good about themselves when they can master something.”
Katie Monson (Class of 2016)
Katie Monson was a former ASB president at FUHS, and the founder of the Kindness Matters

Legacy Foundation. Monson was inducted to the Wall of Fame posthumously.
Monson attended UCLA in 2017, and founded the KM Legacy Foundation to raise awareness for brain cancer and provide leadership opportunities for FUHS students. She raised over $16,000 for scholarships for students in her first year of leading the foundation.
The money she raised was split between 11 students at FUHS, Every person that applied for this scholarship received money.
Katie’s original plan was to give all of the money to one student but she had underestimated the amount of money that she could raise.
Katie’s younger sister Emily Monson, current Fullerton Senior talks about the footsteps her sister has left behind for all to see.
“ I think that the way she named her foundation and what she stood for says alot about her,” Says Monson “ She touched a lot of people and I think that if everyone had as much kindness in their hearts as she did than the world would be a better place.”
Katie Monson’s’ KM Foundation was originally her initials but then she changed it to Kindness Matters so that it wasn’t just about her battles, but the kindness we spread to others despite the battles we are already facing.
“ I think she will be remembered in many different ways for the people that were so lucky to have met her. She will be remembered as the crazy girl on ASB who always had a smile on her face or the ridiculously smart girl to all of her peers.”
Katie’s Family hopes to continue to keep her legacy alive and also continue providing scholarshi
ps with the KM Foundation.
Congratulations to all the 2018 Wall of Fame inductees!