Humans of Fullerton: Nick Arnold

Photo Cred: Andrew Jackson

“My injury affected my everyday life because I couldn’t walk and pick things up without being in pain. Everything I did, hurt to do. It was the worst pain I’ve felt ever in my life, and it set me back a long time which sucked because I love to play soccer. The worst point in the pain was the first month of the injury. And it set me back from playing soccer with Fullerton for my freshman pre-season, and in season, I only played two games before straining my lower back. It was hard to go through this because of the pain and time it took to get back on the soccer field and to everyday things. My process of going through to get healthy was physical therapy and medication doing all my stretches and drills that were assigned and just making sure that I followed the rules so that I could stay where I am and not ruin anything. I had one roadblock when my therapist said that I could play one game. When I played that game, I flared up my nerves and that took two weeks to get back to where we were before.” – Nick Arnold, Freshman