Marching band

Troy Trimble

FUHS Marching Band performed at Angel’s stadium on Sept. 17.

Fullerton’s marching band is off to a great start this year. Under the leadership of senior drum major Rebecca De Leon and sophomore assistant drum major Hayden Harkins, the band has progressed from last year.

“I think people are really committed,” Harkins said when comparing this year to the previous year. “We’ve got a lot of freshmen who want to actually do good.”

Harkins has seen improvement within the band and is looking forward to more improvement throughout the year. He enjoys the position as assistant drum major, and that he gets to see how the field show plays out. Harkins acts as a leader for the group. 

Junior Hayden Harkins
Junior assistant drum major Hayden Harkins.

“If [the freshmen] have a question or they’re not sure about something, they all look to me and ask for help,” Harkins said.

De Leon, having been promoted from assistant drum major to head drum major, is excited to see the band go to a higher level under her leadership. 

“I’m really excited to be able to have the chance to lead the band the way I want to,” De Leon said. “Hopefully we will make an improvement.”

Senior drum major Rebecca DeLeon.
Senior drum major Rebecca De Leon looks forward to the upcoming year for marching band.

The seniors in band will be Mr. Trimble’s first four-year students to graduate at FUHS.

“Mr. Trimble is awesome,” De Leon said. “This is his fourth year, and it’s actually really cool because when he came in, we came in. We grew with him.”

De Leon felt sentimental when talking about the band. She feels a special connection with the band members.

“They’re like my second family,” said De Leon. Band hopes to deliver an exceptional performance at future events.