How to get a job in high school


Junior Samuel Cafferty working at the In-N-Out cash register.

As high schoolers prepare for life in the real-world, the reality of joining the workforce draws nearer and the idea of a little extra money is enticing. With little job experience, many of these new job-seekers find the whole process to be intimidating. The following guide will help ease the transition.


  1. Formulate your resume. It should include all of the following:
    • Name, address, phone number, and email address
    • Level of education
    • Work experience
    • Honors/Awards
    • Volunteer work/Community service
    • Extracurricular activities
  2. Before choosing a possible job, educate yourself on the position you will be applying for. Take into consideration all of the following:
    • Availability: How much time do you plan to dedicate? How many hours a week are you available to work? Will this position interfere with school or extracurricular activities ?  
    • Requirements: Do you qualify for the position? Are you of legal age to work? Will you need to provide a work permit? Does this position require previous job experience?*
    • Responsibilities: What are the expectations for this position? What exactly will you be doing?
  3. All applications should be completed and submitted either online or in person. Contact your potential employer to confirm which form of submission they would prefer.
  4. If not contacted back within a week of your submitting your application, take the initiative to call your potential employer to inquire about your application. If asked when you are available to organize an interview, respond with your soonest available time.

*Note that while the legal age to work with a certified working permit in the U.S. is 16, certain companies and businesses may require you to be at least 18 years of age.



Prior to the scheduled interview with your potential employer, prepare for your meeting by completing the following steps. These steps are essential to any successful interview.

  1. Practice answering frequently asked interview questions. Below are a few examples.
    • Tell me about yourself.
    • Why do you want to work here?
    • Can you tell me anything about this company?
    • Why should we hire you?
    • What are your strengths?
    • What are your weaknesses?
  2. Along with interview questions, physical presentation is another key element to any successful interview. The following are examples of standard interview attire “DO’s” and “DONT’s:”
    • DONT’s
      • Sunglasses
      • Hats
      • Excessive Makeup
      • Low-Hanging Pants
      • Provocative Clothing
      • Graphic T-Shirts
    • DO’s
      • Button-up, long sleeve shirts
      • Slacks
      • Blazers
      • Professional dresses
      • Appropriate blouses
      • Close-toed shoes
Senior Lia Abel working a Chipotle.


While this guide may provide useful tips, one must remember that getting a job in high school is not as simple as it sounds. You may get rejected as many several times before finally scheduling an interview. But despite the inevitable disappointment, try to remain motivated; discouragement will only make the job finding process that much more difficult.