A guide to gifts: love language edition

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The holiday season is upon us, which can only mean one thing: ‘tis the season for gift giving. Now, if you’re like me, then you struggle to find the perfect gift for people and end up indecisively scouring the mall for any gift other than socks, mugs or candles.
Luckily, there’s an easy solution: love languages. Catering to a person’s love language is one of the best ways to show someone that you love and appreciate them.
It’s important to remember that your friends’ love languages aren’t always the same as your own. If you don’t know what your friends’ love language is, take this quiz, and let the giving begin.
Words of Affirmation- Actions can speak louder than words, but if your love language is based off of words of affirmation, you tend to feel the most loved when kind words are sent your way. Compliments or little notes of love are what really warms the hearts of those with this love language.
Great gifts for this love language would be to write a letter not only expressing your love for that person, but why you feel that way; or getting crafty with home-made motivational posters, that encourage and express kindness.
Acts of Service- For those with this love language, cut the talk and do something to express your feelings. Something as little as cleaning up the house or carrying their backpack truly shows that you care.
Gifting for this love language can get complicated, especially if you don’t live with them. If you find it hard to come up with a specific act to gift, think of giving coupons for service when they need it–things like running errands, washing their car, filling their gas tank, doing their chores. The little things mean everything, so start from small and go from there, think of it as gifting your time, rather than something easily wrapped up with a bow.
Receiving Gifts- Yes, this is an actual love language! While it may seem self-explanatory, the idea is a little more complex. Those with this love language truly thrive on the thoughtfulness behind the gift. While they may appreciate the occasional random gift, they truly want a gift that shows that you appreciate and love them.
Make your loved one something homemade that fits their personality or interest. Although it can be time consuming, this is a great way to show you that care. For example, make bookmarks with quotes from your book loving BFF’s favorite novels to show that while you may prefer movies, you care because it’s important to them. For those who don’t have a Pinterest bone in their body, consider using websites such as Etsy or Redbubble to find peculiar yet personal gifts.
Quality Time- Quality time means giving someone your undivided attention with no screens or homework to distract you. Genuine conversation and eye contact is the simple yet perfect way to show those with this love language that you love them.
Just like acts of service, you’re gifting your time. Plans for a lunch or dinner date or a shopping spree with promises to feast in the food court are perfect gifts for this love language. But remember to make it just the two of you, otherwise the time is no longer gifted to just them.
Physical Touch- The final love language, physical touch, is probably the most nuanced and varied language of the five, but it can also be as simple as a hug
For those who particularly hate being hugged, allow your friend some hug coupons to really show that you care about making them happy. Think warm hearted gestures of love that physically make them feel supported, and you’ll find the perfect gift.